Current Commentaries

2012 Presidential Candidate Position Chart

In America, Politics on November 17, 2010 at 7:30 pm


With the 2012 election rearing its head, it won’t be long before we start to see the candidates  out and about trying to court your vote. It can be difficult access a candidate’s position before they even announce to run , but with the 24 hour news media and constant internet access, it is now possible to weed through countless pages of information to determine some of the positions of the front-runners.

In an attempt to get some early prospective, we have spent the last week looking at information and produced the following charts.

What the Winter Will Forget: Obama’s Nuclear Summer

In Obama, U.S. Military on November 16, 2010 at 9:45 pm

Nuclear technology has become vital to the national defense of all nations. All nations depend on some type of nuclear deterrence, most by proxy. Currently there is a delicate balance established since the Cold War. Only a few countries possess nuclear weapons and these countries have made their nuclear posture well known on the global stage. When a new competitor attempts to enter into the small list of nuclear states, there is often a threat to the status quo and a danger to destabilize the world’s power balance. Iran and North Korea have been expressing interests for decades to acquire nuclear technology; however both states claim they will use it for peaceful purposes. Obama’s nuclear summit was aimed at making the world a safer place by confronting the problem of nuclear weapons.

Iraq: Failures of the Academic Consensus

In Midle East, Politics on November 16, 2010 at 12:21 am

BAGHDAD, Iraq – A mother comforts her child as United States military personal attempt to capture a local man who was found building IEDs in his small 10 by 10 apartment.

Scenes like these captivate audiences all across the world, especially in America where public perception is largely built upon 15 second sound bites and images. The public is irreverent when it comes to most matter, especially war, as evident by the war in Vietnam. Popular opinion experiences paradigm shifts each time the media blasted photos of dead bodies or negative stories.

The public’s opinion only matter so much. A society is often judged by the literature it leaves and not by polls.